
Yes, I was raised Catholic, but that doesn’t have anything to do with this.

It’s a realization I had whenย I read a stirring essay by April Perry. (Thank you, April, for writing it.)

And here is that realization:

I don’t just miss Sue and Shirley. I miss being able to call them up. I miss our long, heartfelt talks over wine. I miss having their caring attention to my every joy, fear, question, and goal. I miss having something, no matter how small or insignificant, happen and being able to think, “I can’t wait to tell her about that” without being saddened by that thought.

And that is what this blog has become for me. I like to think I offer ideas, advice, understanding, and a listening ear to you … but really, it’s you who do that for me.

So my confession is: I need you.

Maybe you’ve known that all along, but as I sit here writing post-funeral thank you notes, I realize I need to thank you for being there and simply reading. I’d write anyway, but it’s comforting to know someone is on the other side of the screen, listening.

And if there is anything that you’d like me to write about or see more of, please let me know. I’m happy to oblige. You might say, I owe you.


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3 thoughts on “Confession

  1. Thanks Angela for all your writing. I had “one of those missing Sue days” yesterday. I know others do too and that helps.

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